How fast the week goes on!! We're on wednesday already! 

Today, the oldest ones have done some clay figures about tipical spanish things. While the youngest have done some Mother of God's figures. They are so cute! 

The girls have also discovered at the playground a letter from Jules Verne, who explains to us that he's travelling around the world and he needs our help to find a suitcase that has been lost at the school. Without his suitcase he's not going to be able to travel!! Are we going to help him finding it out? 

I ja som a dimecres! Que ràpid passa la setmana!! 

Avui les més grans han fet figures de fang sobre coses típiques espanyoles, que es el país que estem treballant aquesta setmana. Les petites han fet una Mare de Déu moníssima per emportar a casa!! 

I ha aparegut pel pati una carta misteriosa d'un tal Jules Verne, que ens explica que està viatjant pel món i que necessita la nostra ajuda per a trobar la maleta que ha perdut pel col·legi, sense la que no pot viatjar!! L'ajudarem a trobar-la?



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26 / 06 / 2023 Comença el casal a Les Alzines!